Opening campus was a great step forward for us all. We have put together some answer to our most frequently asked questions below:
Q What are the school’s office hours?
Office hours are currently 07:00-15:00 Mon-Thu and 07:00-14:00 Fri
Q What time can I drop off my child?
Gates open at 06:30. Students arriving early must bring a reading book, find a social distancing spot and read there until time for class.
Q What time should I pick up my child?
Please collect your child before 14:00 or before for Early Years students. Because of supervision and social distancing requirements, students will have to wait to be picked up rather than enjoying free play on campus.
Q Where do we get updated timetables?
Timetables are available on ManageBac. In secondary they have been sent by email; in primary they will be distributed in class.
Q Are there any recommended wipes that we will need to give to the students or the school will provide.
The school provides wiping solution and materials for student desks etc. If you want to send wipes with your child ensure that the wipes have an alcohol percentage of 70% or more to be effective.
Q Please advise if the school will arrange for any periodic testing of students for Covid-19.
We do not have plans to test students for COVID-19. Students who are unwell or who may have been exposed to COVID-19 should stay out of school and contact the health hotline for advice on or 0211250362.
Q Do I really have to drop off / pick up my kids at / from different car parks or are there exceptions for siblings? Thanks for your reply
You may drop or pick them all from the same car park. We recommend using the car park for the youngest child.
Q Will Home based Learning (HBL) continue for students when school reopens?
Yes, Home based learning will continue when school reopens.
Q For how long will school continue with HBL?
We will continue to provide support for students learning at home as long as necessary.
Q Is returning to campus compulsory?
No - we will continue HBL for those unwilling or unable to return to campus.
Q Why are parents not allowed on campus?
To ensure safety and health protocols are observed it is important for school to limit the number of visitors on campus. One of our anti-virus protocols is simply to reduce the number of people on campus.
Q How will I know the setup of the classrooms once I send my child/ children into school?
Videos, Blog posts, WhatsApp, Seesaw platforms have and will be used to share pictures of students in classes. Parental visits are allowed after school time to view classrooms with prior appointment.
Q How can parents meet anyone at school?
You are encouraged to fix an appointment with the concerned individual prior to your arrival.
Q Is there a number to call to fix an appointment?
Please dial reception on 211252291 to fix your appointment
Q When will swimming start at school?
Swimming will resume on Monday 28th September.
Q Can younger children take breaks from wearing their mask when at school?
Teachers will look out for individual breaks for students to take off their masks when in class. They can also take off their masks when eating at break or during PE lessons.
Q How often are the classrooms, furniture and toilets cleaned?
Classrooms and furniture are cleaned once a day in classes where students are based. In classes used by different students the desks are wiped when students arrive. The toilets are cleaned every hour.
Q Do children have to wear masks during PE lessons?
No, they do not have to wear masks during supervised PE lessons. However, maintaining social distancing is required.
Q How can we receive assistance from ISL?
Please use our COVID hotlines.
Q When will the after school activity programme resume?
We will look at resuming ASAs when we are sure that our classes are being run safely and effectively and confident that we have the resources to make ASAs safe and successful.
Great information for all here