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COVID-19 Hotlines

The following hotlines (phones staffed during office hours) may be of help: tech support it.hotline@isl.sch.zm 0211250364 school nu...

Friday 15 October 2021

DP CAS International Foodie fundraiser

Food festivals are all about celebrating and enjoying food. DP CAS students hosted a variety of cultural cuisine to celebrate the annual Zambia-UN day event which marked the begining of the long awaited mid-semester summer break. The students under the guidance of Ms Kumar planned and successfully executed the foodie fundraiser. Bravo !!


Wednesday 13 October 2021

LISL Sr. Swimming Gala

On Friday, October 8, AISL hosted the first round of LISL (Lusaka International Schools League) Swimming Gala for U-19, U-16 and U-14 teams. 

3 schools participated in this Gala - ISL, AISL, and LICS. In each race 2 swimmers from each school were able to take part and points were given based on the place swimmers got. 

Tuesday 12 October 2021

U-16 & U-13 LISL Volleyball

On Saturday, October 9, the ISL volleyball teams participated in the first round of the LISL (Lusaka International Schools League) U-16 and U-13 Volleyball tournaments.

U-13 Boys team - Coach Mrs. Tembo

3 teams participated - ISL, AISL, and Baobab.

Boys finished 2nd with one win and one loss:

ISL vs AISL 2-1

ISL vs Baobab 1-2

Friday 8 October 2021

Gradually going back to normal?

Our first duty at school is to keep people safe, and we believe we have managed to do that throughout the coronavirus crisis. Although we have had cases reported at school, we have no evidence to date of any coronavirus transmission on campus. While we remain cautious in our approach to managing the virus, the fact is that objective conditions have markedly improved in Lusaka and in Zambia generally as acknowledged recently by the ministry of Health in their own relaxation of COVID precuations. This has led our Coronavirus Task Force to authorize a gradual and measured return to something approaching normal school activities, with continued emphasis on safety and hygiene. This includes:

Thursday 7 October 2021

Nursery and Preschool Assembly

 A delightful experience!

Not less than two months ago, these young children joined our school and for many, this was their first time in an environment that was not home. They were observing, making friends, and working hard to settle into school routines.  A few of them were upset for a couple of weeks to separate from their parents too.

Monday 4 October 2021

LISL Jr. Swimming at AISL

On Friday, October 1, AISL hosted the first LISL (Lusaka International Schools League) Swimming Gala for U-13, U-11 and U-9 teams. 

3 schools participated in this Gala - ISL, AISL, and LICS. In each race 2 swimmers from each school took part and points were given based on the place swimmers got.