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COVID-19 Hotlines

The following hotlines (phones staffed during office hours) may be of help: tech support it.hotline@isl.sch.zm 0211250364 school nu...

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Primary school distance Learning

Our response to COVID 19 is in line with many institutions all around the world - distance learning for all students.

Teachers have been getting ready for an event like this over the last two weeks and looking at suitable platforms to continue educating their students. In most instances, familiar platforms like Education City, Google Classroom and Seesaw will be used by teachers to set work. However, a couple of new platforms like ZOOM ( Early Years) and EPIC books will be introduced to accommodate other educational requirements. We will need your assistance to ease children into this mode of learning.

Class teachers will be sending parents emails with a proposed weekly schedule ( which includes specialist lessons) and platforms they will use via ManageBac. We enlist your support in ensuring students have access to the internet and a device to complete assignments. We need to work together to help our children continue learning under the current circumstances.

A form has been sent out by class teachers to gather data on suitable times for children/parents to have a chance to chat with teachers (who will be online) for two hours each working day. We are aware that many of our younger students may not have access to a device during the day.  The results of the data will, therefore, help determine times that will be set by each teacher for their class. Kindly respect the timings set as this will has been chosen to meet the needs of the majority of parents.

Teachers will grade and feedback on assignments set. Kindly ensure your child is able to access devices to complete them. This is essentially the only way, for now, we will be able to grade work and "feedback to feed-forward."

There are advantages to every situation and in this one, you can get to spend more time with your child/ children and family :)

Please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all back soon.

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