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COVID-19 Hotlines

The following hotlines (phones staffed during office hours) may be of help: tech support it.hotline@isl.sch.zm 0211250364 school nu...

Friday, 26 June 2020

Sports Awards 2019-2020

Dear Parents and Students,

Please find the complete list of the Secondary Sports Awards including a description of, and criteria for, each of the awards  here . Our congratulations to all. 

or copy and paste this url into your browsers:


Friday, 19 June 2020

ask@ISL - Kwacha discount


I have 3 children at ISL and I pay fees two instalments at a time. I have always received my fee statements in US$ so I have start preparing for payments way ahead of time. Now the board comes up with a policy which is not fair to all parents.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

First ever DoE Silver awardees from ISL

Congratulations to the following 2020 graduates who achieved the DoE international award Silver Standard

Join ISL students in mock parliamentary sessions on tobacco control

Today! Please join a zoom meeting in which 3 ISL students; Jovita Nithyanathan (DP2), Divyam Kumar (DP2) and Abhinav Sahal

Monday, 15 June 2020

Annual Primary Awards

The four Primary Awards are based on the philosophy and expectations of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IBPYP) offered at ISL.

The  citations and recipients of the awards this year are listed below:
PYP Learner Profile Award- This award is given to a student whose attitude embodies the collective attributes of the IB Learner Profile. He/she exhibits these attributes in class as well as during extracurricular activities and in doing so is an example to others and an ambassador for the School.
The recipient of the award for this year 2019-2020 is Abby Mosho.

Internationalism- This award is given to a student who embodies the spirit of internationalism at our school. Through his/her actions, this student co-operates with those around him/her regardless of nationality. He /she is interested in and celebrates the differences between himself/ herself and fellow students and looks for commonalities between nationalities to foster a shared guardianship of the planet and to nurture a peaceful and better world.
The recipient of the award for this year 2019-2020 is Nadeerah Patel.

Action- This award is for a student who regularly exhibits initiative and who has shown action in changing his/her community for the better. Through his/her action the world has benefitted. Importantly, the decision to act and the act itself were not mandates form a teacher, parent, or colleague but were conscious and independent decisions made on the part of the student.
The recipient of the award for this year 2019-2020 is Manon Terra.

 Team Builder/ Collaboration- This award is given to a student who lives their school life with a philosophy of being part of an interdependent team instead of an individual worker. This student readily encourages and offers support to peers whilst setting an example both in quality and effort of work.
The recipient of the award for this year 2019-2020 is Hemil Shah.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the recipients of the awards. We wish you well and encourage you to keep up the good work:)

Friday, 12 June 2020

Virtual Assemblies- June 10th and June 11th 2020

ISL had their first virtual assemblies yesterday and today - 10th and 11th June 2020- Dates to remember!

AGM postponed

Due to the coronavirus closure of our campus, the AGM has been postponed until such time as it is practicable to convene it. Current board members whose terms are expiring will continue to serve until the AGM is held. We will keep you updated on the new date for the AGM.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

COVID working group

As we move toward the holiday, our focus will switch from supporting our students through distance learning to prepareing to reopen our campus safely.

Board ratifies fee discounts

Our board met last week; among the items considered was feedback from parents on the discounts announced last month. This ranged from those who thought that no discount should be given to those who thought that the discounts were insufficient. The board has to balance the need to provide relief to parents in the time of trial against its responsibility to safeguard the future of the school.

School calendar next year

At last weeks' meeting, our board decided that we will adhere to next year's calendar. On any given school day on the calendar for next year if our campus is open we will run in-person classes and otherwise we will run distance learning. Please click here to read the original announcement about the calendar with links and calendar IDs.