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Monday 6 June 2022

Early Years Sports Days

 What a wonderful morning!

Our little friends were very busy demonstrating their PE skills when taking part in the races that were set up for them... so busy and involved. It was exciting to watch them perform.

Our Year 6 students did a great job supporting the PE department in facilitating the activities! Thank you Year 6!

Here are some glimpses into the morning!

Getting ready...... the ten teams- Lions, Tigers, Wild Dogs, Warthogs, Hippos, Giraffes, Kudus, Zebras, Elephants and Leopards!

Here we go!!!! Sack race!!
Having  Fun with the Parachute!
Knock it down!
Aim and Throw the Bean bag!
Ball and Spoon race
Cycle away as many times as you can!
Aim and kick!
A great morning! Students and teachers had a great time:)

We now await Year 1 and Year 2 Sports Day tomorrow!!