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Saturday, 4 February 2023

Post IGCSE - Making the right choices information evening

We would like to invite you to our Post IGCSE - Making the right choices information evening on Thursday 9th February at 1830 in MPC. As you will be aware that we will be asking your son/daughter to select their IBDP subjects they wish to study after IGCSE’s. This is a major decision which will contribute to the next two years of their life and further studies, and as such we would like to offer you information, some guidance and advice in selecting the right subjects with your child. It is very important that you have all the information necessary to make an informed decision about their education. Please click on this link to read about the course pathways offered at ISL. 

We understand that some parents might be considering A-levels for their son/daughter, however, we would still advise you to attend this information evening as we will also be comparing both programmes and talking about options that are best suited for your son/daughter. We will also be speaking about subject choices, career pathways and the university destinations these options lead into. 

After the presentations there will be question and answer session during which there will be opportunities to ask questions and discuss details. Year 11 parents will be given a subject selection form to complete as well. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 9th February from 1830 - 1930 in MPC. 

This invitation is open to any interested parent. 

Mrs Nithyanathan

IBDP Coordinator/Acting Secondary Principal

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