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The following hotlines (phones staffed during office hours) may be of help: tech support it.hotline@isl.sch.zm 0211250364 school nu...

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Celebrating 2022 IBDP results

Once again our students have made us proud - they have beaten the world average of 31.98!! 20 students were registered for the full Diploma of whom 19 were successful in achieving the diploma with an average score of 34 points. ISL students' average grade of 5.29 signifies an astounding set of result to be very proud of. 

65% of students achieved 30+ points whilst 40% achieved 35+ points and 20% achieved 40+ points - 43 being the highest score which was achieved by Jaida Javaheri. Well done Jaida! Our other star performers are Anne Vromant and Emilio Leto who shared 42 points each and Abhinav Sahal who achieved 41 points. 

We are very proud of each and every one of our students, who have worked very hard at an extremely rigorous global examination during the most difficult pandemic times. These brilliant results testify to our amazing teachers and the world-class education offered at ISL. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Outstanding Checkpoint Results!

I am pleased to announce we have received a fantastic set of Year 9 Checkpoint results.

Our students have scored well above the world average in all categories and in all subjects for a second year running. In English 40% of candidates scored a 4 or higher. In Science 54% of candidates scored a 4 or higher, and 5% of candidates achieved a perfect score of 6.

These results put ISL yet again among the top performing schools in Southern Africa and the world