I would like to say goodbye to the entire ISL Community as I retire from teaching, the career I have dedicated my entire life to. I have been with ISL since 1st January 2000. The period I have spent at this institution has simply been wonderful and rewarding. Yes, we have had challenges and turbulences along the way, but together, we have always overcome them.
My special thanks go to the Board of Governors, ISL Management, the entire faculty, and the support staff that have made ISL what it is. It is a learning institution of its own kind. It offers a warm, friendly, and caring learning environment not only to the students but to the educators as well. To our Board members, please accept my sincere gratitude for the long, countless, voluntary hours you put into the running of this institution.
To the past and the present parents and guardians that have supported and encouraged me over the years in various ways, I say thank you very much. I tried to do the best I could in contributing to the well-being and the success of our children, who I believe, will in turn contribute to the betterment of our community, society, and the world.
Lastly, I wish each one of you the best of everything. You have been a wonderful family. Farewell.
Ellings C Chomba (Mr.)
Department of English and Literature